ninjaslayer93 commonDateAgo
commonTo 20cristina02 : Menuda cerda estás hecha. Lo que te gusta tener la cara llena de esperma caliente y espeso.
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AnitaTrans70 commonDateAgo
The thing is, a facial is not something you should experience the way these women do. They have their eyes closed, their mouths closed, their faces bored, and it's obvious that they don't like it, they just tolerate the man squirting his cum on their faces. As a cock-loving, cum-loving, overheated woman, I do the exact opposite. I wait for the squirting with my mouth open, so that I can get some of his cum in my mouth, I watch with my eyes open, because the sight of the squirting cock is exciting to me, and it's also clear on my face that I really love cock and cum.