HAHAHAHAHA... Funny TRUE story... I went to High School with this chick (here in Portland OR)!!!!!!!!!!! she has had alot of *ahem* WORK done aye... Her name ain't Ava either
And I agree, I HATE fake tits... But when I saw who this was, I just HAD to watch HAHAHAHAHA. Best part is my buddy's really good friends with her brother and it's kind of awkward cause we ALL know what his sister does and were not sure if he does so we have to be VERY carefull not to slip up and mention it. Not an easy task when you're 12 beers deep. Small world aye.

And I agree, I HATE fake tits... But when I saw who this was, I just HAD to watch HAHAHAHAHA. Best part is my buddy's really good friends with her brother and it's kind of awkward cause we ALL know what his sister does and were not sure if he does so we have to be VERY carefull not to slip up and mention it. Not an easy task when you're 12 beers deep. Small world aye.