I try out and review this new fuck-sleeve, mastubation toy!!
5,957 99%
I bought a cheap fuck - masturbation sleeve online and wanted to try it out on the camera. It is a super-long video and some people like that. I start clothed then get naked showing my flabby bod. lol
Hey, how's it going? Well, my voice is gone. I've been to a couple events this week.
Talking too much, staying up too late. Anyway, I've been so busy, I haven't jerked off or come since
Tuesday and it's Sunday. This is like a history. I mean, I haven't orgasmed. I
think I've done enough pre-com. I just need to get all the loose pants, I think. Anyway,
I got this new Jeep. It's like a Fleshlight knockoff, BCC, something like that.